Embarking on the journey of understanding dyslexia support can feel like navigating an alphabet soup of acronyms. From CAT to CALT, ALTA to ASDEC, these terms can be overwhelming without a roadmap. Fear not, as we're here to unravel the mystery and shed light on the essential acronyms that shape the world of dyslexia professionals and education.
CAT: Certified Academic Therapist CAT is not just a feline friend but a Certified Academic Therapist. This certification is earned after rigorous training through the accredited Atlantic Seaboard Dyslexia Education Center (ASDEC) or the Multi- Sensory Language Training Institute of New Mexico (MLTI-NM) in the Sounds In Syllables (SIS) program. Therapists undertake 200 hours of graduate-level classwork and a 700-hour practicum completed over two years to earn the CAT designation.
CALT: Certified Academic Language Therapist Once a therapist achieves the CAT designation, a new horizon awaits—Certified Academic Language Therapist (CALT). Therapists undertake a challenging examination with the Academic Language Therapy Association (ALTA), an international dyslexia professional credentialing organization, to earn this prestigious designation.
CALT-QI: Qualified Instructor of Certified Academic Language Therapists Meet the guiding educators for Academic Therapists on their two-year training voyage! CALT-QIs are seasoned professionals, combining CALT experience with an additional two years of education to achieve this esteemed status.
ALTA: Academic Language Therapy Association The international professional credentialing association of dyslexia professionals.
ASDEC: Atlantic Seaboard Dyslexia Education Center A 501(c)(3) non-profit training and advocacy center dedicated to preventing academic failure through evidence-based multisensory reading and math instruction and the owner of Sounds In Syllables (SIS).
IDA: International Dyslexia Association A nonprofit, 501(c)(3) charity providing advocacy, resources, and services to teaching professionals, advocates, and individuals and families impacted by dyslexia and related learning differences.
IMSLEC: The International Multisensory Structured Language Education Council The accrediting body for Multisensory Structured Language Education (MSLE) courses for dyslexia professionals. Both ASDEC and MLTI-NM are IMSLEC accredited training centers.
MLTI-NM: Multisensory Language Training Institute of New Mexico Founded by Director Emerita Sandra Dillon, the author of Sounds In Syllables, this institute trains teachers and education professionals in SIS alongside ASDEC.
Educational Terms:
MSLE: Multisensory Structured Language Education MSLE describes the instructional components and approaches used to guide students with dyslexia to improve literacy skills.
OG: Orton-Gillingham OG is a multisensory approach to teaching literacy skills. Some for-profit companies have confounded the understanding of this term by calling their programs 'OG.' We prefer the less confusing term Multisensory Structured Language to describe the methods used by SIS trained therapists.
SIS: Sounds In Syllables As SIS breaks down the English language into its smallest component parts, it is considered the most thorough program for helping students with dyslexia achieve their highest potential. SIS can only be used by therapists who have completed the most rigorous educational training of any dyslexia professional. SIS works with all levels of dyslexia severity.
Still confused? Keep this download handy and join us in further blog posts as we aim to demystify and unravel the language of dyslexia education!